Paper Halloween Display! Candlesticks

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

This is our fourth post for Paper Halloween Displays, but don't get spooked... there are still plenty more things to do with paper and displays, and we promise to share!  We will let you ponder witches, paper frames, and black&white.  Keep those on the back kettle burner for now.  This time it's candlesticks, lots and lots of candlesticks that you can make yourself out of... well... YOU know, paper!  Enjoy the pics, and be sure to catch the tutorial and printables at the end of the post.

` stamped white cardstock

Here's how we did it...

` be sure to trace onto folded pieces of paper since our printables only include half the image
` it takes two to make one candlestick

` staple together

candlesticks printable page 1 

candlesticks printable page 2

candlesticks printable page 3

candlesticks printable page 4


  1. Oh my goodness these are so cute! They look so fancy but don't look hard at all. And you could do them for so many other holidays, too! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. What a cute idea. Great for a holiday, not too permanent. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You are welcome, Sarah! Yes, we are pretty non-committal here, and you could literally recycle this Halloween decoration. Thanks for checking them out! `Amy & Amanda

  3. How cute! Please share this on my link party (Moonlight & Mason Jars) when you get a moment! Xo

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. We were happy for the invitation to share on your link party, and next week we will try not to be SO fashionably late :) `Amy & Amanda

  4. Thank you, Miranda, for the invitation to your link party. We already accepted! Glad you like our paper candlesticks! `Amy & Amanda

  5. I LOVE what you have done. You should come show off your creativity at Craft Frenzy Friday! It won't be a party without you!

    1. Ahhh! Thank you! Of course we would love to party with you! Thanks for making us feel welcome, and we will see you there! ` Amy & Amanda

  6. So very clever! Cute cute cute! Found you on That DIY Party on The DIY Showoff blog. Have a great week!

    1. Thank you so much, Mrs. Hoff! We appreciate your kind words and are happy you stopped by! `Amy & Amanda

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you, Alexis! And might we add that your French macarons look to-die-for! Please come again soon. `Amy & Amanda

  8. These are so cute! I can't wait to add them to my Halloween decor.

    Tammy @

    1. Thank you so much, Tammy! We are so happy you like them. They should be the perfect addition to your Halloween decor. Happy DIYing! `Amy & Amanda

  9. I loved these paper candlesticks so much I featured them for DIY Weekend this week!

    1. Thanks, Miranda! And thank you for the feature this week. We joined your party again and even reused these candlesticks in a different way for our black & white display. So excited to be linking up with you! `Amy & Amanda


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